Your troubles are over!

Sometimes, we look at our lives and conclude that life isn’t fair! We put in a lot of effort into our work, relationships and service in general but feel the rewards are slow in coming. I encourage you today, to step out from under that cloud of dissatisfaction and near depression!  The Bible in Hebrews […]


How is it possible to remain joyful all the time? Paul gives us the key: “Rejoice in the Lord always” (emphasis added). The key to the Christian’s joy is its source, which is the Lord. Today is the first Monday in this month of December and we can not but be grateful. Christ is in […]

Gratitude mood activated

So, you all will agree with me that this year has been a very dramatic one globally. And as individuals we have all had our own fair share too, but guess what? we are still here and standing…so get your gratitude mood activated and thank God for life. Don’t feel bad about your losses this […]

Happy New Year!

Yes, It’s a New Year! And it’s okay to feel unhappy or unfilled with the year 2020. Truly, it gave us a lot of experiences. We laughed, cried, and some made merry together. No matter how much of your goals weren’t accomplished, remember you lived! Guess what? That year is gone. Jesus gave you life, […]

Start with God

When you pray, God is not asking for a formula; He doesn’t want you to pretend to be something that you are not. He doesn’t want you to only praise Him, never ask Him for anything, or to say particular phrases to make yourself sound “religious.” Instead, He just wants you to tell Him what […]

Don’t lose your source

Unless you pull a plug off a circuit, it’s source would never dry. So likewise, the only way to lose your source is forgetting your communion with the Holy Spirit. Remember He is a well that never dries.  The gift of the Holy Spirit has been given for you to become a whole Christian.  You […]

Let’s Moveee!

Welcome to the month of February! The year has started rolling by already, so don’t be cut napping. If you were to look at where your life is headed now, would you say you’re moving toward your goals? The steps and decisions you make each passing day will determine the outcome of your life as […]

Stay positive

You need to stay positive and true to yourself this year. Do not let anyone talk you down or discourage you, keep your faith up and believe in yourself. Say positive words to yourself. This is important because you need to check what you are saying to yourself.  What are you saying to yourself? What […]

Show some love!

It’s the official month of love and it will be nice if you love yourself first and show love to people around you too. Don’t be trapped in the ups and downs of your environment or situations happening around you, pay attention to yourself. Take a break or time out to look inwards and do […]

Hidden Figures with Olive Series

Welcome to Conversations with Nike podcast where we discuss real-life scenarios with Biblical perspectives on how to nurture a Godly lifestyle as a woman of faith. In this episode segment, we will be discussing the topic, “Hidden Figures with Olive” premiered on Nike Adeyemi’s YouTube Channel. So much to uncover in this episode series, which […]