God is love and that He loves you is not just a cliché. I want you to believe in the love that God has for you with deep conviction; be rooted in His love and have confidence in it. Believe and receive his love that was made available to you through the blood that Jesus […]
Believe in God
Faith is the key by which we access all that God has reserved for us as His children. Your faith may be as small as a mustard seed, but it will push God to act on your behalf IF only you believe. Jesus told His disciples that with even very little faith, we can move […]
Many times, situations & negative circumstances make us complain and moan about the hardships we face. In the world today, the grumbling and hardship aren’t limited to particular countries anymore, there is something to grumble about everywhere. Wherever you live right now, there will most likely be things in your environment that leave you less […]
Stay With God
Spending time with God, meditating on His Word & listening to what He has to say to you for the day. There is no better place to plan your day than in God’s presence. Time with God is so important because it is the place where you can draw strength for the day ahead. You […]
Guard Your heart
If it’s not happening within, it won’t happen outside. Everything first happens in your heart before it becomes a reality. The Bible says we should be careful so we don’t have a root of bitterness. We have to be mindful of what is going on within us and take charge of every thought and emotion. […]
The seed of fruitfulness is planted on the inside of everyone God made. Whether you see it or not, it is there. You were created to be fruitful in all aspects of life. This seed of fruitfulness will lay dormant, not fulfilling it’s true potential till you are in alignment with God and His purposes […]
What do you see?
Our mindsets and what we see internally are very important. They produce the realities we see in our lives. What you see constantly, you become. You don’t have to struggle, it is a principle. Once you get revelation or a picture of your desired future, hold on to it. Even if you sometimes waiver in […]
Our times of trials are opportunities to become more like Him. The more we are like Him; the less we will be shaken by negative circumstances that come our way. When we go through hard times, we must constantly remind ourselves of the finished work of Christ on the Cross. The situation may not turn […]
Your Esteem
Don’t be easily moved by what other people say, especially because people’s opinions are subjective. Not that we should not be concerned at all about what people think of us but you need to be sure of your convictions and forge ahead. People with a poor self-image usually have a pessimistic outlook on life, they […]
Love Yourself
Learn to accept praise, there is no need to explain away every compliment. If someone calls you a millionaire, accept it, as that may be what the person sees about you. Don’t be judgmental of others, trying to cut others down and belittle them is a very obvious sign of poor self-esteem. When you belittle […]